Trees bestow tremendous gifts on humans, creatures, and the environment, including fresh air, shade, beauty, inspiration, home, and a site for community. During the Christmas season and all year long, Kinship Farm gratefully acknowledges the role of trees in our lives by nurturing seedlings for future strategic planting, gifting hands-on tree care to established trees, and gifting new trees and tree care instructions to the community. See below for details.
During the months of November and December, Kinship Farm accepts applications from local homeowners, businesses, churches, schools, municipal buildings, and town common areas in the local Essex County area for any of the services below.
Applications are due by December 25. We regret that not every request can be fulfilled. In January, selected applicants will be notified in writing that their application has been accepted and plans for implementation will be solidified.
Native seedling foster care and instructions
For those who are eager to foster tree growth from its earliest stages and support the future planting of local trees, Kinship Farm provides free, potted seedlings and care instructions. Recipients are invited to care for the seedlings as they grow into saplings. Kinship Farm will retrieve the saplings and plant them in a permanent location elsewhere. Interested parties will need to sign a form describing their ability to care for the seedlings and stating their understanding that Kinship Farm will recollect the trees for planting in the community.
Free tree planting and care instructions
For those who would like to plant tree saplings in places where growing trees will benefit the whole community, Kinship Farm offers free tree planting and care instructions. Interested parties will need to submit an application that explains their needs. Motivations must extend to the community and beyond the obvious need for additional oxygen and carbon sequestration.
Care of Existing Trees
For those who understand the importance of managing and preserving old, rare, and/or historical trees for longevity, health, and beauty, we offer free consultation and care instructions as well as hands-on intentional care for existing arboreal treasures. Interested parties will need to submit an application that explains their need for high quality onsite advice and guidance, and the ways that the tree(s) and their care will benefit the community.
Significant partners with Kinship Farm on this project include Chris Wood (ISA certified arborist, tree and shrub preservationist, and owner of Heirloom Tree Care), Alex Sands (owner of Annisquam Land Care), and others.
Please direct all questions about our Christmas Trees program to
Discover the many benefits of trees through these expert resources and articles:
The Nature Conservancy - 6 Ways Trees Benefit All of Us
Tree People - 22 Benefits of Trees
Want to help us with our Christmas trees program?
Please make a donation below.
We deeply appreciate your generosity. All Christmas trees donations are applied to the costs for this program.