Relationship building

Kinship Farm works to help people and organizations develop deeper, broader, and better relationships within secular, ecumenical, and/or interfaith arenas. We encourage participants in events to avoid divisiveness, pressurized debates, and/or the desire to "win" conversations. Instead, we hope that people will engage in appreciative inquiry and heartfelt sharing with the goal of discovering common ground that doesn't sacrifice our necessary distinctness.

Christian Unity

At the request of local pastoral leaders and in faithful response to Jesus' prayer "that all of them may be one" (John 17:21), Kinship Farm occasionally supports events where Christians throughout the North Shore and beyond can come together to share in the beauty of fellowship in natural settings.

Ecumenical Spring Celebration , Saturday, March 16, 2024

Join us! The centerpiece of this celebration will be an outdoor, hour-long ecumenical Christian worship service. For an hour beforehand and afterward, participants may peacefully and contemplatively walk along woodland trails, and occasionally stop to engage with displays offered by Christians from a variety of denominations. Displays may include scripture and other text, music, art, woodworking, and other creative, interactive, youth-friendly displays about spirituality that is informed by Christ Jesus and that promotes healthy relationships and/or celebrates the natural outdoor setting.

The worship service and displays will be suitable for youth, teens, and adults and general registration is free. The event will be held in South Hamilton, MA. Displays will be staffed from 1-2 p.m. and 3-4 p.m. and the worship ceremony will run from 2-3 p.m. We regret and apologize that the trails, tents, and worship service will not be equipped with facilities or features to ensure full accessibility for individuals with mobility challenges.

Click the link above or here for more information, for the display application form, and for free attendance registration. Please direct ideas and questions to

Walk in the Woods Workshop, Sunday, November 12, 2023

Christian churches and youth groups from Essex, Ipswich, Hamilton, and Wenham came together for a free, outdoor, youth-friendly, Walk in the Woods Workshop. Friends outside of this region were also invited, but we kept the group relatively small for planning purposes. During the workshop, attendees had the option of participating in the planning of the March 2024 Ecumenical Spring Celebration. If someone didn’t want to participate in the planning of the Celebration, they could still come for the beautiful walk and opportunity to meet fellow Christians.

Please direct all ideas and questions about working on relationship building with Kinship Farm to


Want to help with a donation to our Relationships Building projects?

Please click here to make a donation.

We deeply appreciate your generosity. All Relationships Building project donations are applied to the costs for this program.